Isolation Watercolors
In March 2020 at the beginning of the Corona-19 pandemic, I canceled
a research trip to San Diego and the deserts of Southern California.
While isolating in Baltimore, I walked daily in Linkwood Park and on
Stony Run Trail, picking up small natural objects, familiar and intimate.
When drawing them in my notebooks, I loosely interpreted shapes. The
images gravitated to the page top and bottom, without shadows or ground,
separated by space the between. The compositions and scrutiny of the
images remind me of the solitariness of covid isolation.
Subsequently, I redrew the images in water soluble colored pencils
on full sheets of Arches paper and painted them in watercolor.

Isolation Watercolors
CHRISTINE NEILL Isolation Watercolors
Isolation Watercolors ,  article artwork image 2
Weed / Seedpod, 2021, Watercolor. Colored pencil, 30" x 20"
CHRISTINE NEILL Isolation Watercolors
Isolation Watercolors ,  article artwork image 4
Vine / Capsule, 2020, Watercolor, Soluble color pencil, 30"x20"
CHRISTINE NEILL Isolation Watercolors
Isolation Watercolors ,  article artwork image 6
Branch / Seed, 2021, Watercolor, Colored pencil, 30” x 20”
CHRISTINE NEILL Isolation Watercolors
Isolation Watercolors ,  article artwork image 8
Cushion / Pad, 2020, Watercolor, drawing, 30” x 20”
CHRISTINE NEILL Isolation Watercolors
Isolation Watercolors ,  article artwork image 10
Stone / Vine, 2020, Watercolor, drawing, 30” x 20”